November 11, 2020

We are looking forward to “digitally” meeting you @Medica next week

MEDICA 2020, the world-leading information and communication platform for the medical technology industry, will take place entirely online from 16 to 19 November 2020.

Visit us on our virtual booth and discuss your individual project. Regardless whether it’s for hybridoma development, monoclonal antibody production or expression of recombinant proteins. Our experts are happy to help you in all belongings.

Use your advantage and register free of charge. This can be planned at short notice and is possible from anywhere.



Furthermore, use the free-use matchmaking tool to schedule a meeting with us and keep up with our latest developments.

Register and book your appointment now

#virtualmedica #medica2020 #askabiotech #contractmanufacturing #monoclonalantibodies #recombinantproteins #hybridomadevelopment #immunoassay #stayhome

This participation is funded in part by the european union.